Provide administrative support to our Aronui team who aim to improve the wellbeing of whānau from all walks of life
Aronui - Junior Administrator
Turuki Health Care is a kaupapa Māori organisation delivering integrated health, wairua, wellbeing and social services across the Tāmaki Makaurau region. We provide quality, accessible, and affordable healthcare to support whānau
Te whiwhinga mahi | The opportunity:
Our Aronui team have a strong wairua focus and offer long term support for whānau with their mental health, addictions and wellbeing. As our team evolves, we are looking for a part time junior administrator to join our team!
This role is based in Manukau working 30 hours per week, Monday to Friday. You will be at the Front Desk with a high standard of personal presentation responsible for providing administrative support across several teams, which include but are not limited to greeting manuhiri, answering phones, filing, scanning & data entry contributing to the smooth and efficient operation of our space and services
Ngā pūkenga me ngā wheako | Skills and experience: