Expression of Interest
Hello there HR enthusiast, thanks for stopping by!
Let us start off by saying this may not be your typical human resources job advert. It may feel unfamiliar. Hey, you might even double check the accuracy of your search settings. But we promise if you read on it will at the very least give you reason to pause and think about your HR career over a cuppa later today.
At shilo. we offer more than a ‘job’ in human resources. This is an opportunity to be involved in a new way to “do” HR and be part of changing the HR industry for the future.
But who are shilo. we hear you ask? We are a team of experienced, innovative HR thinkers who create bespoke people solutions tailored to our client’s business needs on an on-demand basis. We have been in your shoes as HR professionals ourselves (we may have even worked together); we get what drives you (...and drives you bonkers); and we appreciate the changing nature of the world of HR and the need to evolve. Our fabulous team of shilo.consultants support our clients with people projects; create people solutions to future proof businesses; help scale up or grow businesses; and/or provide short-term HR support to fill a resourcing gap... and everything in between.
We launched our business in March 2020 (I mean... who launches a business heading into a global pandemic?) and are excited to be growing our team of commercial, motivated, collaborative, passionate (and just darn friendly) shilo.consultants in line with our pipeline of client needs.
We are sure the natural next question you have is, am I what shilo. is looking for? How many times have you read a HR job advert and started to scroll down the list of desired attributes and thought “good luck Company X in finding your unicorn... there is no way I am applying”! At shilo. we are passionate about looking at your skillset and experience holistically and celebrating you on an individualised basis (we don’t like putting people into ‘boxes’... they are very uncomfortable anyway).
Our questions to you are simple: