Seeking a behavioral aide.
Neighborhood House Charter School (NHCS) is a tuition-free open enrollment charter school for grades K1-12 in Dorchester that is a public alternative to traditional district schools. We serve over 800 students across two campuses predominantly from the neighborhoods of Dorchester, Roxbury and Mattapan. We believe in the social emotional well-being of our students and know that a well-coached and supported educator is instrumental in helping our scholars both academically and in their SEL growth. We do not give up on kids. Our expectation is that all of our students thrive at NHCS, graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education on the path to life success. Our educators are partners with our scholars and their families as they embark on this path.
What is the Behavioral Aide role?
The Behavioral Aide provides one-to-one support as needed to assist in facilitating communication, increasing social skills, academic skills, self-help skills and promoting independence for students with disabilities within a substantially separate classroom setting. You believe deeply that all children have the ability to be successful when given the support and scaffolding to best serve their learning profile.
Hours for this position are Monday - Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This is a full-time, 10-month, school year only position. The salary range for this position is $22-27 an hour, including full benefits.
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